Monday, September 9, 2019

None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 29

None - Essay Example is a custom for the clergy in this mainstream to have special attires whose resemblance is that of their Master, Jesus Christ as well as serving as a sign of humility (Pastoor 331). These ought to be in long gowns besides a headpiece or veil that covers their entire heads signifying humility as per the Jesus’ mother (Pastoor 331). Based on Catholic traditions, women and men bear varied behaviors and tasks to play both in the church as well as in the entire society, hence each to dress differently. The nuns dressing marks the first implication of how their behavior and the roles they play vary from the men’s activities and manners, to second them in their duties. This is especially in the church whereby nuns participate only in undertaking lesser tasks like helping to give out communion but not conducting mass service. It is good or useful to identify a person from his or her physical appearance. For instance, Catholic Church leaders have different roles to play besides which when they are physically unique makes it easy for their followers to know well where to seek assistance. Greek Orthodox monks and the Amish use dress for similar purposes. Describe the dress of each group and how it fits into their lives. Do you see any important differences in terms of appearance and/or social function? The women ought to wear long dresses besides covering their heads with shawl when going to the monastery as a sign of respect to the holiness of the place (Boase 94). The monks mostly dress in black colored cassock referred to as Raso that has remained unchanged since Byzantium period up to date (Boase 94). In most cases, Amish wear homemade clothes sewn by the women. Their clothing styles motivate humbleness as well as separation from the world turning them being comprehensive peacekeepers and discouraging conflict for whatever reason. They have a simple way of dressing in which they avoid ornamentation. Men dress in straight cut suits in which their coats have no

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